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Sunday, 8 April 2012


“I ask you, is it right for a person to cheat God? Of course not, you are cheating me. How? You ask. In the manner of tithes and offerings. A curse is on all of you because the whole nation is cheating me. Bring the full amount of your tithes to the temple so that there will be plenty of food there’’ Malachi 3 vs. 8 - 10b.”
It takes extra courage to write on something like this, because it is more of
the spiritual than of the physical realm. This piece of write up is not intended to attack any religious group or gathering, but then, some things are just meant to be said. Who knows whether those involved may one day come across this and see the need to read it through and eventually go by it.
Nigeria is rated as one of the most religious countries in the world with about three major religions which include ATR, Islam and Christianity. Statistics have shown that the Christian religion is dominant in the country. The number of churches in the country is arguably second to none in the world but then the level of impoverishment of her members is also remarkably on the extremes. The level of prosperity of the churches is arguably not in similar proportion to the level of poverty of her members. Churches in the country are now seen as business centres where quick money can be made with ease for personal purpose all in the name of Holy Spirit and Salvation. Nigerians are easily cajoled with the name Holy Spirit just because of the fear and regard we have for the sacred name. So many Pastors have now abused the use of the name and use it as a means to drain and extort their members. For the innocent and unsuspecting members, the reasons for their compliance cannot be far-fetched simply because when it’s God, it is sacred and unquestionable.
 Everyday, I keep on wondering and asking - why does the church keep growing so fat and even becoming obese but her members emaciating in return? Who are those meant to eat the plenty of food in the temple as said in Malachi 3 vs. 10b - Bring the full amount of your tithes to the temple so that there will be plenty of food there. Is it meant only for the churches’ leaders or for the leaders and followers/members? I guess this shouldn’t be a Godly question
 So many churches today, have billions of naira in their bank account while their members wallow in abject poverty. Major part of this money is being raised by the members of the church. I use to think we are meant to keep our treasure in heavenly bank and not earthly banks. Why will churches keep so much in their bank accounts and leave their members to suffer? Some churches in Nigeria are so rich to the extent that they can run a public school and hospital at a very low cost or even for free, but I am still in search for one as at the time of putting this piece together.
 I do understand that churches try so hard to meet up the spiritual needs of her members but why bother so much with fasting and prayers when the churches can proffer physical solutions with the church’s huge bank account. Even though the life of Jesus Christ was an epitome of goodness which all Christians strive to emulate, there have been some difficulties in attaining a desired resemblance. While Jesus was on earth he was meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the people- feeding them where necessary but that seems not to be applicable to the churches today.
 I am not against churches looking so good and pastors living in paradise on earth and flying all over the world but then what is the beauty of the church with beautiful structures and good looking Pastors when her members look so shattered, impoverished and neglected.
There is nothing wrong if churches build public schools, hospitals, orphanage homes etc and fund it with the money of the church. Frankly speaking churches in Nigeria have the funds; they can do it if they want to do it. This will in a way relief the burden of Pastors and members. How? If for instance, churches build schools, definitely, that will in a way create employment for members who have been praying and fasting to seek one. Also those members that could not take their children to private schools would have in a way also found solution to that. Churches could also erect standard and well equipped hospitals stocked with qualified doctors and sophisticated machines. These hospitals can be operated as a non profit oriented outfit. It will provide the benefit of low medical bills to the patronisers. These and many more can be done by the church.
“Suppose there are brothers or sisters who need clothes and don`t have enough to eat. What good is there in your saying to them God bless you! Keep warm and well – if you don`t give the necessities of life” James 2 vs. 15-16.
Its high time churches really stood up to their social responsibilities and leave the things of the world for the world.