The voting process in the long awaited Nigerian
presidential election has come and has gone except in few places in Yobe state
where the presidential election has been postponed indefinitely for security
reasons. Our different and various dreams, hopes and aspirations are becoming
clearer and more visible to us as we await the official announcement of the
final results. There are no doubt that the election was marred with some
technical challenges, most especially from the voters Card Readers, and a
little violence and terrorist act in some parts of the country which negatively
affected the electoral process. Meanwhile, generally speaking, without bias and
sentiments, comparing this election to previous elections that had been
conducted in the country since the beginning of the 4th republic, one can
possibly say, that the country`s electoral process has improved and our
democratic system is getting better.
The fact is, although there are still many
challenges to be resolved and many more areas where improvements are needed.
But, by and large, the 2015 electoral process is commendable as compared to
that of the previous years. Also the people have become more tolerant of the system
and process, hence, have portrayed themselves peacefully and orderly during the
course of the election.